A Look Back At: Star Trek Generations (1994)
“Don’t let them promote you, don’t let them transfer you, don’t let anything take you off the bridge of that ship. Because while you’re there,...
“Q Who” (2×16)
The first season gave us the Ferengi, who fell well short of being this show’s Klingons. Fortunately, this episode succeeded in providing arguably the most...
“Phantasms” (7×06)
This is a weird mishmash of an episode. The A-story is a horror story, complete with nightmarish visions, slasher sequences, and invisible vampires. The B-story,...
“Sarek” (3×23)
Usually when legacy characters make an appearance, it feels like being wrapped in a warm blanket that is well-loved and associated with fond memories. It...
“Firstborn” (7×21)
This is a much smaller story than “Sins of the Father” and the “Redemption” two-parter, but there was a lot I really liked about it....
“Redemption” (4×26) & “Redemption II” (5×01)
“Redemption” Despite the nearly twenty intervening episodes, this two-parter picks up more or less where “Renunion” left off. With Worf having killed Duras, Gowron’s claim...
“Reunion” (4×07)
“Sins of the Father” ended with the various Klingon characters making an uncharacteristically pragmatic choice to preserve the stability of the empire at a cost...